Personal Injury
Lackawanna Pro Bono Helping Make A Difference: Med Legal Pro Donates $2,000
On Monday, May 1st, 2023, Tracy Liberatore, Esq, founder and CEO of Med Legal Pro, presented Lackawanna Pro Bono with a $2,000 check in support of LPB’s annual golf tournament fundraiser. In her remarks, Liberatore said, “We are delighted to be able to support Lackawanna Pro Bono and their members in their mission to provide…
Read More...Texting and Driving; A Bad Combination
Despite the known risks of texting and driving, many individuals simply cannot resist making their friends and relatives wait until they are no longer driving to respond. While texting is a great way to communicate and keep in touch, even while in a busy meeting, it should be restricted to times when we are not…
Read More...Pseudotumor Cerebri vs Hydrocephalus; Is There a Difference?
A case I worked on recently for a client with pseudotumor cerebri (PTC) had concurrent notations for a diagnosis of hydrocephalus, which led me to question the difference between the two. What distinguishes one from the other and how can our client establish PTC as the cause of her problems and the resulting Ventriculoperitoneal (VP)…